If you are a contractor or service provider, tendering for new business contracts maybe a routine part of your business activities or a desirable opportunity you will like to pursue.
What is tendering?
Tendering is the process by which organizations or institutions invite bids for large projects and contracts. It is a structured process whereby all bidders are required to respond to specific requirements, that subsequently form the basis of evaluation and selection.
Tendering is a highly competitive process that requires businesses to create a compelling and convincing statement of why it is the ideal applicant for the contract being offered. A successful tender is dependent on the applicant's ability to articulate the value their business will bring and showcase their competence well in writing. Essentially, a tender is a very important marketing document.
What are the benefits of a successful tender?
A successful tender represents an opportunity for the business to earn a high level of income that is guaranteed over a specified period of time. It offers a high level of income security based on the longterm nature of the contract. A successful tender can take your business to a next level and establish the business as a leader in the market in which it operates. Being successful at tendering is desirable for most businesses but it is by no means a simple or easy process to win.
Keys to tendering successfully?
Tendering successfully is dependent on the business ability to showcase it's ability well "on paper". The business must present a well written representation of it's:
- history
- capacity
- financial ability to fund the contract
- statutory compliance
- past experience
- technical competence
- methodology
- costing
- value proposition
All the required information must be packaged and presented well to give the business the best chance of success. Tenders may attract many strong competitors, so it is really important to showcase your business well.
Tips to preparing a successful Tender
Follow these tips when preparing a tender:
Ensure your content is well written - avoid gramatical errors, writting in a passive tone or in the 1st person.
Be concise - avoid exaggerations and attempts to over sell your ability and capacity.
Arrange your content in a logical format that clearly responds to the requirements outlined in the tender package.
Use high quality photos to provide visual evidence of your ability, capacity and past experience.
Follow the tender instructions accurately.
Ensure to include all support documents which should be properly labelled and indexed in your submission package.
Be organized.
Submit your tender on time!
Need professional support to complete your tender submission?
Business Lifeline Ltd offers you professional tender and proposal writing services. Get the support of experience and qualified marketing experts to showcase your business. Contact us now at info@businesslifelinett.com or call us at (868) 329 4237 for further assistance.